Wednesday, 30 April 2014

How to Avoid Pregnancy

How to Avoid Pregnancy is no longer a tough ask. With Good Healthy World’s expert advice, you no longer need to search the website articles for How to avoid pregnancy? If you do become pregnant, there are several options open to you.

It’s not just enough to know how to avoid pregnancy, you must also clearly understand it. While an unintended pregnancy can be a scary and overwhelming experience, an understanding of the available options can help you make an informed decision about whether or not you wish to continue your pregnancy. This is an extremely personal decision. And one of the most common source for how to avoid pregnancy. Each woman must be free to decide what is best for her particular situation. As she is the one must know how to avoid pregnancy. There are several medical centres and support services that can help you with finding ways to how to avoid pregnancy. We’ll give you all details on how to avoid pregnancy so let’s start.



abortion image Abortion

How to avoid pregnancy through abortion is also getting common. Abortion is a legal medical procedure that safely terminates pregnancy. There are two types of abortions available, depending on how far the pregnancy has progressed.

Medical Abortion

This procedure can usually be performed in early pregnancy (up to nine weeks). To perform a medical abortion, the abortion pill, mifepristone (also known as RU-486), is taken along with another medication, misoprostol. Mifepristone breaks down the lining of the uterus, and misoprostol causes the uterus to contract and empty. The woman will experience bleeding and cramping, and the process can take anywhere from a few hours to a few days. A follow-up visit is needed to ensure the abortion is complete and the woman is healthy. This is the most commonly sought way of finding how to avoid pregnancy with 100% success rate.

In-Clinic Procedure

If you are still finding about How to avoid pregnancy, then in clinic procedure is the answer. This type of procedure can vary based upon the gestational age. Aspiration abortion can be performed up to 16 weeks, and is the most common abortion procedure. To perform an aspiration abortion, anaesthesia is administered, the cervix is dilated, a tube is inserted into the uterus, and a suction device empties the uterus. Sometimes, an instrument called a curette is used to remove any remaining tissue. This procedure is commonly called a D&C, for dilation and curettage. A D&E, or dilation and evacuation, is a similar procedure that uses aspiration, curettage, and surgical instruments such as forceps. A D&E is performed after 16 weeks and generally up to 24 weeks, although abortions may be performed later in a pregnancy in cases of medical necessity.

Abortion laws vary from state to state and country to country. So always do research on that.

Better Learn to How to Avoid Pregnancy in 1st place?



Adoption image Adoption

Adoption is a process by which birth parents can place an infant with an unrelated set of parents that will assume full legal responsibility for the child and raise her/him as their own. Adoption can be a scary choice for pregnant women because of the finality of relinquishing all legal and custodial rights to the adoptive parents, but actually there are several different types of adoption, some of which allow for a certain amount of contact with the adoptive family. Anyone considering adoption should research their options to find the best arrangement for them and their child.

Types of Adoption:

Closed Adoption

An adoption in which the identities of both the biological and adoptive parents are kept confidential, and all transactions are handled through an attorney or adoption agency. Typically in this case, the biological parents do not choose the adoptive parents and receive only limited information about them. After the adoption is completed, the biological parents have no contact with the child or the adoptive family. One of the best ways to find answer for your how to avoid pregnancy question.

Semi-Open Adoption

An adoption in which certain amounts of information are exchanged between the biological and adoptive parents, and the parties may even meet each other before the adoption takes place. After the adoption is completed, any correspondence between the parties is handled by a mediator such as the attorney or adoption agency, and anonymity is observed with regard to last names and addresses. If agreed upon ahead of time, the biological parents may receive letters, emails, photographs, and updates about the child’s progress. One of the better ways to find answer for your how to avoid pregnancy question alongside financial constraints.

Open Adoption

An adoption in which the biological parents have the opportunity to screen and choose the adoptive parents for their child. The parties generally meet and exchange information, and often contact is continued after the adoption is completed. Biological parents may receive letters and photographs, and may even write to the child themselves. In some cases, visits are arranged. This allows the biological parents to be a part of the child’s life even though the adoptive parents retain legal and custodial responsibility. One of the greatest ways to find answer for your how to avoid pregnancy question openly.

Adoption Process:

Wait. To permanently curb question of how to avoid pregnancy, you would need to know more. If you decide that adoption is the right choice for you to get this question how to avoid pregnancy from your mind. The first step in the process is to contact an adoption agency or an attorney that handles adoptions. An agency or attorney can explain your options, help you to make decisions regarding your adoption plan, and mediate between you and the adoptive parents.

The most important part of the adoption process is the development of your adoption plan. The adoption plan outlines your wants and needs during pregnancy, your involvement in the adoption process, and the amount of contact you want to have with the child after the adoption is completed. Do you want to choose the adoptive parents? Do you want to meet them? Should they be present at birth? Do you want to receive updates about your child’s progress as they grow up? Do you hope to maintain contact with the adoptive family in the future? Ironing out these details in the adoption plan can ease stress and help you to feel confident that your wishes for both you and the child are being met.

When it is time for you to give birth, your attorney or agency will make sure that your adoption plan is followed with regard to whether or not the adoptive parents are present and whether or not you wish to see the baby after it is born. After the birth, you will sign the papers finalizing the adoption and transfer legal rights and responsibility to the adoptive parents. Most likely, the baby will leave the hospital with the adoptive parents. This can be a very difficult time for the biological parents, so it is important to have a strong support system in place.

Now, you can continue finding more about How to Avoid Pregnancy or you can get pregnant. If you chose the latter, then continue reading.



pregnancy image Pregnancy

You are still looking for ways to How to avoid pregnancy? But,  still if you decide you want to carry a pregnancy to term, it is extremely important to get proper prenatal care to ensure your health and the health of the baby. In addition to medical care, prenatal care includes education on pregnancy and childbirth, plus counseling and support. Frequent visits to your healthcare provider allow you to follow the progress of your baby’s development. Visits also give you the opportunity to ask questions. Also, most healthcare providers welcome your partner and other family members at each visit.

When choosing a maternity care provider, it is important to identify your wants and needs so that you can find the best match for your particular situation. Some important factors to consider when making this decision are the risk level of your pregnancy, where you want to give birth, and whether you prefer natural or medical styles of pregnancy and birthing strategies. Different types of maternity care providers include:

Obstetrician-Gynaecologist (OB/GYN)

A medical doctor who is specially trained to provide medical and surgical care to women; OB/GYNs spend four years after medical school in a residency studying pregnancy, reproduction, and female medical and surgical problems.

Perinatologist Also called maternal-fetal medicine specialists, a perinatologist is an obstetrician who specializes in the care of women who may face special problems during pregnancy. These include young women under age 18 and women over 35; women with certain medical conditions, such as diabetes, hypertension, and sexually transmitted infections; women with inherited (genetic) disorders; and women who have had problems with previous pregnancies.

Certified Nurse Midwives (CNMs)

Specially trained, licensed professionals experienced in providing obstetric and newborn care, CNMs provide comprehensive, family-centred maternity care. Midwives are registered nurses who have earned their master’s degree in nursing, with a strong emphasis on clinical training in midwifery. Midwives work with obstetricians who are always available to assist if complications occur during pregnancy, labour, or delivery.

Family Practitioner (FP)

A medical doctor who specializes in the health care of all family members. FPs are prepared to provide normal OB/GYN care, but will refer high-risk pregnancies and other problems to an OB/GYN. All family practitioners are trained to perform Caesarean births in an emergency and also to assist other specialists in doing the procedure.


A person who specializes in helping families through childbearing. Doulas do not provide any clinical care, so they do not replace your obstetric health care provider. A doula can help you find the appropriate childbirth class, learn birthing techniques, write a birth plan, and more. Most doulas will provide early labor support at home, and then accompany you to the hospital or birthing center. Note: Most insurance providers will not cover the costs of a doula.

In addition to choosing the right maternity provider, it is important to consider where you want to deliver. Although most births today take place in hospitals, there are several different birthing options available in most areas. Every expectant mother should research her local options, ask questions of each facility, and take a tour if possible. Of course, the mother’s health and the pregnancy’s risk level may preclude some options.


Hospitals are a popular birthing option because they provide easy access to emergency care should complications occur during delivery. Although most people have visited and/or been a patient at a hospital at some point, many may not realize that hospitals differ widely in their procedures and services related to delivery care. For example, some hospitals offer private recovery rooms while others do not. Some have anaesthesiologists onsite at all times, others only during certain hours. Some maternity care providers can assist in delivery at one hospital but not another. Most importantly, some hospitals have Neonatal Intensive Care Units (NICUs) while others do not. In choosing a hospital, you should consider your preferences and the safety/health needs of you and your baby. Taking a tour is a good way to decide whether a hospital is the right one for you.

Birthing Centres

Although most births take place in hospitals, more women are choosing to have their babies in other locations, such as a birthing centre. For women with uncomplicated pregnancies, a birthing centre may provide a more natural, woman-centred environment for giving birth.Birthing centres, usually located near a hospital, allow women with uncomplicated pregnancies to deliver there. Most centres are run by certified nurse midwives or doctors. Be sure to research the staff’s credentials when selecting a birthing centre. Although rare, problems during labour and delivery can arise, so you’ll want the best opportunity to get the best care. Be sure to ask what the procedure is for complications and emergencies. Hence, you won’t be looking for resources on How to Avoid Pregnancy any longer.

Home Births:

Home deliveries, although common in most of the world, are relatively rare in the U.S. Most doctors will not agree to do a home delivery because of the risk of complications occurring far from emergency care facilities. For low-risk, full-term pregnancies, a home birth may be an option. If you are considering a home birth, consult with your maternity care provider about the risks and benefits.

If you want to know more about How to Avoid Pregnancy, keep visiting Good Healthy World’s Birth Control segment. But please remember while you can find various articles on How to Avoid Pregnancy, be 100% sure. If this is what you really need.

How to Avoid Pregnancy

Types of Birth Control

There are numerous types of birth control which can help women prevent unwanted pregnancy and regulate menstrual cycles. These can be classified into reversible and irreversible methods. Below is a list of all the various methods or types of birth control, along with useful information about what it is and-how it works. It is important to remember that of the methods listed below, ONLY the male and the female condom provide protection against St Is.

Reversible Methods of Birth Control

 Hormonal methods & types of birth control

Birth control pill

Birth control pill image Birth Control Pill

Also called “the pill,” it contains the hormones estrogen and progestin. It is prescribed by a doctor. A pill is taken at the same time each day. If you are older than 35 years and smoke, have a history of blood clots or breast cancer, your doctor may advise you not to take the pill. The pill is 92–99% effective at preventing pregnancy. One of the most common types of birth control.

 Mini pill

Unlike the pill, the mini-pill only has one hormone, progestin, instead of both estrogen and progestin. It is prescribed by a doctor. It is taken at the same time each day. It is a good option for women who can’t take estrogen. They are 92–99% effective at preventing pregnancy. One of the effective types of birth control.

Birth control shot

This is an injectable progestin that inhibits ovulation and prevents sperm from reaching the egg. It is 99.7% effective when used as directed. The shot is administered every three months by your doctor. It is convenient and there is no daily task to remember. One of the best types of birth control.

The ring

The ring image The Ring

A flexible ring which is about 2 inches in diameter and it is inserted into the vagina. The ring releases the hormones progestin and estrogen. You place the ring inside your vagina. You wear the ring for three weeks, take it out for the week you have your period, and then put in a new ring. It is 92–99% effective at preventing pregnancy its include in effective types of birth control methods. One of the great types of birth control.

The patch

This skin patch is worn on the lower abdomen, buttocks, or upper body (but not on the breasts). This method is prescribed by a doctor. It releases hormones progestin and estrogen into the bloodstream. You put on a new patch once a week for three weeks. During the fourth week, you do not wear a patch, so you can have a menstrual period. The patch is 92–99% effective at preventing pregnancy, but it appears to be less effective in women who weigh more than 198 pounds. One of the easiest types of birth control.

The implant

The implant is a types of birth control, its a single, thin rod that is inserted under the skin of a women’s upper arm. The rod contains a progestin that is released into the body over 3 years. It is 99 percent effective at preventing pregnancy. One of the least preferred types of birth control.

Intrauterine Devices (IUDs)


T-shaped device, which is inserted into the vagina by a health care professional that stays in place. This device is 99.8% effective, and lasts up to 10 years. Some of the side effects are heavier, tougher periods, and side effects similar to the pill if the device contains hormones. The benefits are longevity, and there is no planning needed before sexual intercourse.

Intrauterine Devices (IUDs) image Intrauterine Devices

Barrier Methods


Male condom

Male condoms image Male Condoms

Worn by the man, a male condom keeps sperm from getting into a woman’s body. Latex condoms, the most common type, help prevent pregnancy and HIV and other STIs as do the newer synthetic condoms. “Natural” or “lambskin” condoms also help prevent pregnancy, but may not provide protection against STIs, including HIV. Male condoms are 85–98% effective at preventing pregnancy. Condoms can only be used once, and are most effective when used consistently and correctly. You can buy condoms, KY jelly, or water-based lubricants at a drug store. Do not use oil-based lubricants such as massage oils, baby oil, lotions, or petroleum jelly with latex condoms. They will weaken the condom, causing it to tear or break.

Female condom

female condom image Female Condom

Worn by the woman, the female condom helps keeps sperm from getting into her body. It is packaged with a lubricant and is available at drug stores. It can be inserted up to eight hours before sexual intercourse. Female condoms are 79–95% effective at preventing pregnancy when used consistently and correctly, and may also help prevent STIs.

Diaphragm (with spermicide)

Cervical cap image Cervical Cap & Diaphragm

Round, flexible rubber with a rigid rim that covers the cervix. It is placed inside the vagina to cover the cervix to block sperm. The diaphragm is shaped like a shallow cup. You can insert it just prior to intercourse of up to six hours beforehand. You should use spermicide’s with this barrier method, as that will help kill the sperm, and prevent fertilization. The diaphragm is 84–94% effective at preventing pregnancy. Visit your doctor for a proper fitting because diaphragms come in different sizes.

Cervical cap

This is similar to the diaphragm, but smaller in size. It is used in the same fashion as the diaphragm,its includes in effective type of birth control . It fits over the cervix and keeps sperm from entering. The cap should be used with spermicide for extra protection. It is inserted before intercourse and can be left in for up to 24 without spermicide. It should be washed, dried, and stored in its case after each use. Visit your doctor for a proper fitting because cervical caps comes in different sizes.


These products work by killing sperm and come in several forms—foam, gel, cream, film, suppository, or tablet. They are placed in the vagina no more than one hour before intercourse. You leave them in place at least six to eight hours after intercourse. You can use a spermicide in addition to a male condom, diaphragm, or cervical cap. Spermicide’s alone are about 71–82% effective at preventing pregnancy. They can be purchased in drug stores.


Sponge image Sponge

The sponge is made of plastic foam and contains spermicide. It is soft, round, and about two inches in diameter. It has a nylon loop attached to the bottom for removal. The sponge is inserted into the vagina to covers the cervix and blocks sperm entry. The sponge is more effective for women who have never given birth, and thus, there are varying levels of effectiveness.


Fertility awareness and abstinence

Continuous abstinence

This method means not having vaginal intercourse at any time. It is the only 100% effective way to prevent pregnancy.

Natural family planning or fertility awareness

Understanding your monthly fertility pattern can help you plan to get pregnant or avoid getting pregnant. Your fertility pattern is the number of days in the month when you are fertile (able to get pregnant), days when you are infertile, and days when fertility is unlikely, but possible. If you have a regular menstrual cycle, you have about nine or more fertile days each month. If you do not want to get pregnant, you do not have sex on the days you are fertile, or you use a form of birth control on those days. These methods are 75–99% effective at preventing pregnancy.

Permanent Methods  or Types of Birth Control

These methods are meant for people who want a permanent method or types of birth control. In other words, they never want to have a child, or they do not want more children. The methods listed here are more than 99% effective at preventing pregnancy.

Female Sterilization — Tubal ligation or “tying tubes”

Types of birth control, A woman can have her fallopian tubes tied (or closed) so that sperm and eggs cannot meet for fertilization. The procedure can be done in a hospital or in an outpatient surgical center. You can go home the same day of the surgery and resume your normal activities within a few days. This method is effective immediately.

Transcervical Sterilization

A thin tube is used to thread a tiny device into each fallopian tube. It irritates the fallopian tubes and causes scar tissue to grow and permanently plug the tubes. It can take about three months for the scar tissue to grow, so use another form or types of birth control during this time. Return to your doctor for a test to see if scar tissue has fully blocked your fallopian tubes.

Male Sterilization – Vasectomy

This operation is done to keep a man’s sperm from going to his penis, so his ejaculate never has any sperm in it that can fertilize an egg. This operation is simpler than tying a woman’s tubes. The procedure is done at an outpatient surgical center. The man can go home the same day. Recovery time is less than one week. After the operation, a man visits his doctor for tests to count his sperm and to make sure the sperm count has dropped to zero; this takes about 12 weeks. Another form or types of birth control should be used until the man’s sperm count has dropped to zero.


For more detail related to Types of  Birth Control, visit Good Healthy World‘s relevant section.

Types of Birth Control

Tuesday, 29 April 2014

How to Reduce Pet Allergens at Home

Pets can be your best friends, but if you have allergies or asthma, they can also be your worst enemy. Pets shed dander, a combination of dead skin cells and hair or feathers, which can trigger asthma attacks and allergic reactions in some people. However, you can cut down on pet allergens at home.

Cute but hazardous

Cute but hazardous image Cute but Hazardous

Pets can be your best friends. If you have allergies or asthma, they can also be your worst enemy.

Pets shed dander, a combination of dead skin cells and hair or feathers, which can trigger asthma attacks and allergic reactions in people who are sensitive to the allergens.Start campaign from your home to Reduce Pet Allergens at Home.

(Cold-blooded pets such as snakes and turtles do not produce dander.)

Some guidelines recommend that people with allergies or asthma avoid keeping pets, especially cats. If a doctor says that you or your child’s—allergies or asthma is aggravated by dander, you may ultimately need to find a new home for your pet. However, there are several ways you can cut down on pet allergens at home.

Reduce Pet Allergens at Homes.

Minimize contact

You can reduce dander in your home by Reduce Pet Allergens at Homes by keeping your pet outdoors as much as possible. At the very least, you should bar pets from bedrooms where people with allergies or asthma sleep.

Children with allergies should also avoid petting or touching animals. If they do come into contact with a pet, they should wash their hands thoroughly.

Restricting pets to rooms with wood floors may also help. Wood flooring traps less dander than carpet and is easier to clean; keeping pets off carpet may help cut down on allergens.

Minimize contact image Minimize Contact

Keep Fluffy off the couch

Keep Fluffy off the couch image Keep Fluffy off The Couch

Keeping pets off carpets, upholstered furniture, and beds can reduce exposure to dander. (Using allergen-resistant bedding will help fend off any dander that does find its way into bedrooms.) Keeping pets out of cars—or restricting them to a tailgate area, if possible—is also a good idea.

In addition, any furniture, fabrics, or materials that pets do come into contact with should be vacuum or washed frequently. This includes throw rugs, pet beds, cushions, pillows, and blankets.Learn how to Reduce Pet Allergens at Home.

Clean, clean, clean

Reduce Pet Allergens at Homes, Dusting as often as possible will keep dander (as well as dust mites and other allergens) to a minimum. Vacuuming, however, may not get all the allergens from the lower levels of a rug and may stir up a bit of dander as you clean. It may help to use vacuums equipped with a high-efficiency particulate air (HEPA) filter or double bags. However, it’s still a good idea to dust or vacuum when the person with allergies or asthma is not at home.

Clean, clean, clean image Clean, Clean, Clean

Replacing wall-to-wall carpets with wood floors will make it easier to remove dander.

Close registers

Close registers image Close Registers

If you have forced-air heating and air conditioning, closing air registers may reduce the amount of animal dander that circulates through your home. If closing all of the registers isn’t practical, try closing those in the rooms where asthmatic or allergic individuals spend the most time (especially bedrooms).

Replacing the filter in your furnace or air conditioner with a HEPA filter and/or purchasing a room air cleaner may also help. Studies on the effectiveness of these methods have been inconclusive, however. (See our air cleaner buying guide for more information.)

Bathe your pet

Research shows that frequently bathing your pet reduces the allergens found in their dander and Reduce Pet Allergens at Homes.

A 1999 study in the Journal of Allergy and Clinical Immunology compared the levels of allergens in dog dander before and after a five-minute bath with an unnamed “proprietary shampoo” (which could describe an allergen-reducing shampoo such as Groomax). The researchers found that the bath reduced the dogs’ allergen levels by about 85% . But the allergen levels returned to normal in about three days, which suggests that dogs need to be washed at least twice a week.

Bathe your pet image Bathe Your Pet

Similar studies using cats have had mixed but generally less encouraging results.

Clean cages

Clean cages image Clean Cages

Though hamsters, guinea pigs, rabbits, birds, and other pets typically confined to cages tend to be less problematic for allergy and asthma sufferers, dander and urine produced by these pets can still provoke allergic reactions and asthma attacks, Reduce Pet Allergens at Home.

Birdcages and rodent cages should be cleaned at least once a week and, if possible, the cages should be moved outside to a garage or shed. Likewise, litter boxes should be cleaned frequently and moved out of living areas.




For more details on How to Reduce Pet Allergens at Home related to Asthma, please keep visiting the Good Healthy World’s Asthma section.

How to Reduce Pet Allergens at Home

Osteopathy for Asthma

Osteopathy for asthma? The results may take your breath away

Can osteopaths really cure asthma, and should newspapers be running uncritical promotional pieces for products claiming to treat serious conditions?

In the wake of Simon Singh’s battle with the British Chiropractic Association, chiropractors have been the subject of the sort of intense scrutiny and discussion you would not normally get without a super injunction.

Much less attention has been paid to osteopaths, close cousins who occupy very similar territory in alternative medicine; treating similar conditions with similar manual therapy techniques.

Like chiropractic, osteopathy has a reasonable body of evidence backing its effectiveness in the short term relief of back and joint pain, but little to support its use for much else. In spite of this osteopaths in Britain have a history of making the sort of extravagant claims an Iraqi Information Minister would be proud of. Which advertising regulators and the General Osteopathic Council (GOsC) – the profession’s pretty decent statutory regulator – have now begun to crack down on.

Allergy free image Allergy free

In particular, the GOsC’s review of the evidence for osteopathy and chiropractic unearthed no good evidence for the use of either in asthma, a position shared by the British Thoracic Society (BTS), the US National Heart Lung and Blood Institute’s Asthma Education and Prevention Program (NHLBI), and many other respectable combinations of letters.

So it was a little bit surprising to see the Guardian’s Lifestyle section running an uncritical plug for a London osteopath who claims to treat osteopathy for asthma.

Osteopathy for Asthma is medications mostly work by relaxing the airways or inhibiting the inflammation, but osteopathy has another approach. The expansion and contraction of the chest with breathing is like a pump which draws air into the lungs. It also helps in stimulating the drainage that clears the lungs of mucus, inflammation and irritants like dust particles and viruses. When this pumping mechanism isn’t working, these substances accumulate, exacerbating the condition.

In Osteopathy for asthma we should do like this, Use your hands to try to find and work on any tensions or misalignments that might be compromising normal motion. In asthma we use to do gentle stretches to release the ribs and the soft tissues that are restricting them, or use gentle oscillatory movements, using the patient’s arm as a lever to promote drainage.

A major British charity funding research into treatments for the condition, who kindly put us in touch with senior research fellow, GP and asthma specialist, Dr Mike Thomas. Unsurprisingly he told me that the claims like these were “not backed by any evidence that osteopathy for asthma,” noting that “there hasn’t been adequate research to say either way.”

His comments are backed up by a comprehensive meta-study conducted by the Cochrane collaboration, which noted that the few adequate trials to have taken place were poorly reported or too small to draw conclusions from, and concluded that “there is insufficient evidence to support or refute the use of manual therapy for patients with asthma.”

Osteopathy for Asthma is the treatment which using in any case, using someone’s arm as a lever to pump irritants out of their chest isn’t the most plausible treatment ever devised. “It’s hard for me to envisage a method by which it would work,” Thomas told me. An asthma sufferer put it more colourfully on Twitter: “is having asthma enough expertise to know that pumping mucus out of my lungs in a Looney Tunes style fashion will not work?”

The Advertising Standards Authority’s code also has something to say about claims like these. The ASA sensibly lists asthma among conditions for which “suitably qualified medical advice should be sought”, and told me:

“If an osteopath was making a definitive claim about treating asthma we would need to see the evidence to back that up. To date we have not seen that evidence.”

The same goes for pneumonia, which is also mentioned in the piece with a reference to ‘one study’:

In the development of pneumonia, where the lungs end up secreting more fluid than they can clear, we use a similar approach. One study showed that elderly patients who received osteopathic treatment after being admitted to hospital with pneumonia needed less antibiotics and recovered more quickly compared with those who didn’t receive this extra treatment. These kinds of results could save the health service a great deal of money.

We contacted the osteopath, who kindly supplied me with a couple of supporting papers by a Noll et al which you can see here and here.We do not have time to go through them in depth , but their methodologies read at times like a bit of a farce.

Osteopathy for asthma , Both papers attempt to compare osteopathy with a ‘sham treatment’ control group, but in the first paper they admit they have no idea how often the practitioner visited patients in each group (“however, the specialist attempted to see both groups for the same amount of time and frequency”), while in the second study the blinding was so successful that around half the patients figured out whether they were receiving the real treatment or the sham.

At one point they suggest that a change in body temperature was significant on the 2nd and 5th days after treatment, but not on the 3rd, 4th, or 6th days. In the second, more rigorous paper (‘more rigorous’ in the sense that my right buttock is ‘more slim’ than my left buttock, but both are still basically fat), no significant change can be found unless you ignore all the people who failed to complete treatment, and then only in some specific measures.

In short, if you analyse enough variables in enough different ways you can usually find something vaguely promising, but between the mediocre results and what the authors admit is a flawed design, this is not the evidence you need to transform the NHS budget.

breath easier image breath easier

Regardless of the opinions you or we might have on the possible efficacy of osteopathy (Osteopathy for asthma), when it comes to conditions as serious as asthma journalists have a responsibility to at least try to get it right. That means making absolutely sure that medical claims made by their sources are checked against the medical profession, professional regulators, advertising standards and, ultimately, the evidence. The Guardian’s promotion piece is not even remotely acceptable to us, andwe hope the readers’ complaints coming in are taken seriously.


For more details on Asthma, please keep visiting the Good Healthy World’s Asthma section.

Osteopathy for Asthma

Sunday, 27 April 2014

5 Biggest Myths about Cholesterol

Myths About Cholesterol

Want to know myths about cholesterol, why it increases and who was the main target!!

Have you heard the buzz surrounding Americans’ rising cholesterol numbers, but when it comes to treatment and prevention, can you really believe everything you hear?

With some help from one of our lead dietitians, here are the 5 biggest myths about cholesterol.


1. Myth: Eggs are Bad for You

Truth: Eggs Can Be Very Healthy

“While eggs do contain dietary cholesterol, they are an excellent source of protein, which is good if you are trying to keep your cholesterol down”, A Dietitian said.

If you still need the protein but are worried about the cholesterol you get with regular eggs, Carrie recommends eating egg whites instead. “They contain no cholesterol but are still very high in protein and lower in calories.

2. Myth: Cholesterol is Always Bad

Truth: Your Body Needs Cholesterol

High cholesterol is bad, but a certain amount of cholesterol is needed for various bodily processes, Cholesterol is actually essential for maintaining nerve cells in the brain and it also provides structure to cell membranes its a serious myths about cholesterol.

The bad cholesterol you need to worry about is LDL, which is carried through the bloodstream.

3. Myth: If a Label Says OMG Cholesterol, it Must be Heart Healthy

Truth: The Labels Refer to Dietary Cholesterol, Not the “Bad” Kind

This information on the label generally refers to just one of the things found in your food that can cause your cholesterol levels to rise. There are much bigger contributors to high cholesterol that this label does not reflect.

One such factor? or in other words myths about cholesterol, A high fat diet.

Saturated fat, which is found in many animal products and trans fats, and found in more processed and shelf-stable foods, seem to have a much bigger impact on LDL (bad cholesterol).

4. Myth: I Can Only Lower Cholesterol by Taking Medication

Truth: A Healthy Diet Can Help Lower Cholesterol

As mentioned in myth #3, bad cholesterol is often caused by a high-fat diet. One of the best ways to lower your cholesterol is to simply make smarter choices when it comes to what you eat.

Many cholesterol medications can be over-prescribed and are not really needed unless your cholesterol levels are critically high. Bad cholesterol can simply go away just by eating the right kinds of foods myths about cholesterol.

The right diet to lower cholesterol consists of foods that are high in protein, and that are balanced with complex carbohydrates and healthy fats. Foods like salmon are great, as well as high-fiber foods and oats and grains. Eating natural and organic varieties of meat can also help.

5. Myth: Everyone Should Strive to Have the Same Numbers

Truth: There’s Is not One Set Number for Every Person

The right cholesterol levels for a person often have to do with their history of medical conditions and health problems. People who have a history of diabetes or high blood pressure or who have different risk factors for heart disease need to have lower LDL levels than someone who has been relatively healthy most of their life.

This will also depend on recommendations made by your doctor. If you feel like you are at risk for heart disease or you may have high cholesterol, it’s best to consult with your physician first.


Use Good Healthy World’s Cholesterol page segment to find out more Myths About Cholesterol and what cholesterol is, and when it becomes a problem and how to handle it.

5 Biggest Myths about Cholesterol

Celebrity Diet Tricks Revealed

Celebrity Diet Tricks

When it comes to celebrity diet tricks there is not anything most of us would not do get a taste of the same weight loss success that most celebrities have.

You are looking at a few celebrity diet tricks, and wondering if they are a good option for you, it may be best to take a look at the specific regimens a certain celebrity is using.

There are many celebrity diet tricks out there that do promote effective weight loss, you just need to make sure that these methods of getting fit are actually healthy.

With the help of one of BistroMD’s leading dietitians, Christy, we are taking a look at the celebrity diet secrets of certain celebrities, and giving you the goods on whether they are good, bad, or just plain wrong.

For Ways To Fast Weight Loss with complete nutrient visit our article .

The Beyonce Diet

The Beyonce image The Beyonce singer

One of the most talented and popular singers on the planet today, Beyonce, has to keep up a physique that is required for the stage and screen.

Beyonce has turned to many different diets to help her stay in shape, but I would not recommend any of them for healthy weight loss.

For her role in the film Dream Girls, Beyonce shed 20 pounds in 14 days by turning to the Master Cleanse Diet.

The Master Cleanse Diet is an unhealthy way to achieve weight loss, basically you starve your body of essential nutrition by totally eliminating food and by drinking a concoction of lemon juice, cayenne pepper, and maple syrup.

According to our expert, this diet does promote weight loss, just not in the way you want it to.

Even if you are dieting, your body will always need an effective balance of protein, carbohydrates, and fat. Celebrity diet secrets like these harm the body because it is not getting needed nutrients to sustain sufficient energy. Your body basically feeds off your tissues and muscles for needed energy, instead of getting it from food. You are basically causing your body to feed off itself.”

Beyonce has been quoted as saying that currently she stays in shape by eating six small meals throughout the day. This necessarily isn’t a bad thing, you just need to make sure the meals you are eating are nutritionally adequate.

You want to follow Beyonce’s method of eating six small meals throughout the day, you need to make sure that the foods and the snacks you eat are high in protein. Instead of eating six small meals, however, I think it is always best to stick to eating three properly proportioned meals throughout the day. You can still lose weight and maintain a great shape, if the calories are where they need to be, and if your foods are healthy.”

Overall, you may just want to say “bye-bye” to the Beyonce diet for good.

The Jessica Alba Diet

The Jessica Alba image The Jessica Alba film actress

Jessica Alba is a sensational actress, who is also in sensational shape.

As one of this generation’s most popular actresses, Jessica Alba has been on many diets for many different film roles. All in all, though, her current diet seems to be pretty healthy.

Out of all the celebrities, Jessica Alba is one of the few actresses who does not deprive her body of healthy and delicious food. She sets a good example by showing that you can still eat three meals a day, still burn body fat, and still perform a healthy and effective exercise routine that keeps your metabolism in check.

Jessica Alba’s celebrity diet tricks is an effective workout, combined with the nutrition of a healthy, balanced diet with properly proportioned meals.

The actress eats a lower-calorie daily diet, and eats meals that are balanced with lean protein, combined with complex carbohydrates, and healthy fats.

For breakfast, Alba eats three scrambled eggs with one cup of oatmeal. For lunch she eats a salad with either six ounces of chicken breast, salmon, or tuna. At dinner she eats either sashimi, or a healthy portion of lean beef with a side of mixed vegetables.

Jessica Alba’s diet is very healthy compared to other celebrity diet tricks. She does not starve her body, which is essential for effective weight loss, and she also eats foods that help retrain your metabolism to consistently burn fat effectively. She is one of the few celebrities who follows a diet that I would actually recommend to other women who want a more athletic, but thinner build.

Audrina Patridge Diet

Audrina Patridge image Audrina Patridge television presenter

As one of the biggest reality TV stars today, Audrina Patridge is one of the stars of the MTV show, The Hills, and currently stars in her own reality show on VH1, simply called Audrina.

Also one of the contestants of last year’s season of Dancing with the Stars, Audrina has admitted to being a big fan of the Sunfare Diet.

If we compared to other diets this reality star has followed in the past, her current diet is very healthy and could be very effective for someone who is trying to maintain weight loss.

The reality star eats an omelet with turkey sausage, and for lunch she eats a lean grilled chicken breast with mixed vegetables. For dinner, the star usually prefers grilled salmon with asparagus and a lettuce salad with no dressing. For snacks in between meals, Patridge usually eats either low-fat vanilla yoghurt, an apple with natural peanut butter, and carmelized nuts or low-fat string cheese.

Overall, this star’s celebrity diet tricks is pretty healthy.  Do you have a larger build and are trying to lose weight,We would recommend throwing in a few more snacks that are higher in protein, like a protein bar, or cottage cheese with mixed fruit.

When exploring the world of celebrity diet tricks, it’s important that you do your research and that you make sure that the diet is healthy. There are many celebrity diets that promote rapid weight loss, which are best to avoid.

The meals developed for BistroMD follow some of the same healthy guidelines that many celebrities try to follow in their diet plans. Each of our healthy and delicious meals are nutritionally balanced with the appropriate amounts of protein, carbohydrates, and fat to promote an active metabolism that will help your body burn fat.

To see how healthy meals delivered to you, courtesy of BistroMD, can help you follow the same regimen of some of the best celebrity diet secrets, please click here to learn more about our program.


Join Good Healthy World in this eternal quest at Celebrity Tips and start feeling like a Star. Be it Leonardo Di Caprio to Kate Blanchett, Shahrukh Khan to Aishwariya Rai, Shan to Aiman Ali, you can be anyone you want.

Celebrity Diet Tricks Revealed

Saturday, 26 April 2014

Ditching Wardrobe Clutter

Ditching Wardrobe Clutter was never so easy before. With good Healthy Worlds’ expert advice and tips, you can get rid of it in no time. As someone who needs to dress for TV appearances, Fashion Week, the red carpet, and even just your daily business meetings, you’ve had to update what you wear over the years then this article helps you to know how to ditching wardrobe clutter. you can tried to be “of the moment,” but remember that you look and feel most comfortable when you stick with what is truly your personal style.

Your closet overhaul twice a year. With help from a stylist and from a friend who is completely honest with you ;-) , we pare down. When we’re done, it seems like you have a whole new wardrobe! Sure, the process can be overwhelming, but these simple steps help for how to ditching wardrobe clutter.

How To Ditching Wardrobe Clutter

how to ditching wardrobe clutter image how to ditching wardrobe clutter

Sort Away

Make piles for donations (Dress for Success can always use professional attire), giveaways to friends or family, clothes to dry clean, items to tailor and a TBD  pile to sort through again when you are done. You might think you want to get rid of something but on second thought decide to keep it after you go through everything you have. Clothes too small? Consider if they will fit when you lose weight. Too big? Maybe they’re worth tailoring. Trust me: A good tailor is invaluable. Styles change and so do you, so customizing fit for your body can make even the least expensive item look like a million bucks and learn with us how to ditching wardrobe clutter on Good Healthy World.

Hang it up image Hang it up

Hang it Up

You love your new hangers, especially when they all match. Use wooden hangers, as opposed to plastic or wire ones, to preserve the shape of your clothes. Hanging clothes also makes everything easier to find.

colorfull wooden hangers image colourful wooden hangers

Organize by Style and Colour

How to ditching wardrobe clutter ? For it, grouping dresses, blazers and tops leads to faster navigation of your wardrobe. Take that to the next level and sort each style by colour, you will be able to see what you have and put outfits together in no time at all.  best tip! Mix it up and be comfortable, and you will know that your clothes are really the right ones for you.

Organize by style and colour image Organize by style and colour


You can get all that on How To Ditching Wardrobe Clutter  and much more but only at Good Healthy World’s Slimming Style section. The world’s best section on Slimming Style and much more.

Ditching Wardrobe Clutter

Friday, 25 April 2014

For Great Skin You Have To Feed Your Face

It is not a myth any more that For Great Skin You Have To Feed Your Face with good healthy edible products. These healthy diets can range from simple salads to beautifully cooked roasted almonds served with sausages.

Anti-aging food products

Anti-aging food products image Anti-aging food products for brighter & smoother skin

 Eat these ingredients or apply skin care products  for great skin you have to feed your face that contain them to help keep lines and wrinkles at bay.

 Cherries, Pomegranate & Blueberries

Research shows that the antioxidants in these fruits prevent collagen destruction, protecting against wrinkles. “They are also high in vitamin C, which, according to the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, is associated with fewer wrinkles and less skin dryness,” Zuckerbrot says.


Blueberries Eye Firming Treatment image Blueberries Eye Firming Treatment

Apply Blueberries Eye Firming Treatment  for softens skin and reduces fine lines, for great skin you have to feed your face .

Olives and olive oil

These Mediterranean diet staples contain antioxidants like vitamin E that protect against free radicals and boost hydration.


Peptide Complex ups moisture image Peptide Complex ups moisture

Apply Perricone MD Hypoallergenic Peptide Complex ups moisture levels in skin, reducing fine lines, for great skin you have to feed your face .

Carrots, Peaches & Apricots

Orange fruits and veggies are great sources of beta-carotene, a compound that converts into vitamin A, which helps prevent dry, flaky skin, and reduces lines and wrinkles.


St. Ives Timeless Skin Apricot Scrub moisturizes image St. Ives Timeless Skin Apricot Scrub moisturizes

For great skin you have to feed your face, So apply St. Ives Timeless Skin Apricot Scrub moisturises as it sloughs off dead skin cells.


A diet rich in tomatoes — packed with the powerful antioxidant lycopene—increases your body’s ability to prevent skin damage from UV rays by as much as 30 percent.


Anti-Sun Damage Daily Moisture Lotion image Anti-Sun Damage Daily Moisture Lotion

Apply it Garnier Skin Renew Anti-Sun Damage Daily Moisture Lotion SPF 28 contains lycopene to help reduce levels of free radicals attacking skin, for great skin you have to feed your face.


Skin & Anti Aging care is all about the secrets and those are only at Good Healthy World. So what are you waiting for. Lets start now with Good Healthy World’s Skin & Anti Aging section and read for great skin you have to feed your face.

For Great Skin You Have To Feed Your Face

Waist Slimming Style Tricks

Good Healthy World’s article of  Waist Slimming Style Tricks is for you. If you want to lose weight to look svelte in your everyday and special days apparel and it’s probably a little too late. Why? Because you can no longer fit into your clothes like you used to. Forget the turkey and chicken- it’s all of those wonderful sides of stuffing and gravy and pies  and burgers and wines and drinks that did us in. Thanks, Food Lord!

Sure, you can start those tummy crunches now or…. you can wait, like the rest of us, until tomorrow or a day after tomorrow or the day after tomorrow day and so on. But in the meantime, how do you get a smaller looking waist for the next round of weekends or special commitments? Well let’s get started!

Waist Defining Tops

You can never go wrong with a wrap blouse, be it with a tie or clasp or zipper this look instantly slims. Tailored buttoned tops that are tapered work well too, as do blouses that gather at the waist. A V-neck will also give you a visual slim down. Styles to avoid: cropped, empire waist and anything that hits above the collar bone.

Get Smart through Waist Slimming Style Tricks Waist Slimming Style Tricks and Get Smart


Add Fullness Below Your Waist

To balance out a thick midsection, try a flowing dress or skirt that has clean lines ( i.e.: no ruffles). Flat front pants with wide a leg bottom is also a good selection.

Accentuate your waist

This trick may seem counterintuitive but it really does work. While I use the word “accentuate” it really should be “camouflage” because the best way to distract attention from a thick waist is to define it. You can do this by cinching with a large buckled belt or any other belt that has big embellishments. It’s kind of the same technique used by celebrities that are trying to conceal their pregnancy by carrying an oversized handbag.

(Subtle) Body Hugging Fabrics

Now, I am not encouraging any of us to run out and squeeze yourself into one of those crazy spandex morph suits (only my young teenage son can pull off that look) or anything else that is 100% spandex for that matter. However, the right amount of Lycra or spandex (usually 5% or less) can and does work wonders on creating a slim waist. Stick with styles that have darts or seams at the waist. V neck tops with a little bit of ruching will give you that vertical line, thus disguising a not so taut tummy.

Body Hugging Fabric and Slimming Style Body Hugging Fabric


Monochrome Madness

A big fashion snafu is that monochromatic dressing is limited only to the colour black. This idea is so outdated – so why not try something new? Obviously, there are some colours that you should avoid such as all whites, nudes, or yellows (remember, I am only referring to those of us that are trying to minimize our mid section) but there are many more colors out there that flatter such as rich reds, shades of plum and if you really like dark, then try a trendy heather gray. As always, remember to add that belt to accentuate your waistline.

Here’s to enjoying a glorious holiday season and all that goes with it. Go ahead, indulge in those snicker-doodles and by all means have another gingerbread man paired with a nice fireside Jazzy… Just keep that waistline cinched tight this month because those much needed tummy crunches will be waiting for you soon. Don’t forget you read all about this only at Good Healthy World.

Waist Slimming Style Tricks

Tuesday, 22 April 2014

Eating Smart Ones Every meal

Eating Smart Ones Every Meal: More than 90% of people do not eat their recommended amount of fruits and vegetables. The amounts of fruits and vegetables you need each day may seem daunting, however fruits and veggies provide the unrivalled combination of great taste, nutrition, and abundant variety. Eating a colourful variety provides a wide range of valuable nutrients like antioxidants, fiber, photochemical, vitamins, and potassium. Fruits and vegetables can be a convenient mealtime accompaniment or daytime snack. And remember that all forms of fruits and veggies count fresh, frozen, canned, dried, and 100% juice.


eat vegetable image Eat half of veg with your meal

Eat Fruits and Veggies

Fruits and veggies pack a nutritional punch and can be an important part of good health and eating smart ones every meal is sign of good health. People who eat fruits and veggies in general experience better health. Additionally, one of the best ways to maintain weight may be to replace junk foods with fruits and veggies. Studies have shown that people who eat at least 4 1/2 cups of fruits and

vegetables a day are less likely to be obese.

eat fruits image Eat fruits stay healthy and fit.


Your need?

Recommendation image Recommendation

Recommended amounts vary anywhere from 2-5 cups a day or eating smart ones every meal , depending on your age, gender, and level of activity, but a good rule of thumb is to make fruits and vegetables about half of what you eat at every meal. The USDA defines part of a healthy diet as one that is rich in fruits and vegetables. While the amount depends on many factors, the government’s food guidelines recommend consuming an average of 2 1/2 cups a day of vegetables and 1 1/2 cups a day of fruits.

Get More Fruits and Veggies Every Day

Eating smart ones every meal here are some easy ways to get more fruits in

vegetables into your daily routine:

  • Grind up veggies to hide in meatloaf and soups.

  •  Cut up fruits and veggies so they are ready for a quick snack; baby carrots and edamame are a cinch.

  •  Frozen grapes and banana slices make a cool treat.

  •  Include lettuce, tomatoes, and onions on all your sandwiches and wraps.

  •  Forget tortilla chips! Eat raw veggies with your favourite dips and salsas.

  •  Take advantage of summer berries; add to muffins, pancakes, cereal, and salads.

  •  Don’t forget about dried fruits. They make an easy on-the-go snack.

  •  Shop your local outdoor produce markets for a variety of fresh fruits and vegetables.

  •  Select a frozen 100% fruit bar as a simple and sweet snack.

 Be Your Best

Every step taken toward eating more fruits and veggies and eating smart ones every meal, getting more physical activity helps individuals be at their best.

Be Your Best image Be Your Best


For more articles and news related on Eating Smart Ones Every Meal, keep visiting Good Healthy World Food & Recipes.

Eating Smart Ones Every meal

Sunday, 20 April 2014

Master Chef Paul Bocuse

Master Chef Paul Bocuse is known as the Father of Culinary Art in France. He had been a cooking legend for many decades. Master chef paul bocuse was an ambassador of modern French cuisine.


Master Chef Paul Bocuse famous Recipe


Chicken in Vinegar Sauce

Chicken in Vinegar Sauce image Chicken in Vinegar Sauce


4 tablespoons unsalted butter

1 tablespoon extra-virgin olive oil

4 garlic cloves, unpeeled

One 3 3/4 pound chicken, cut into 10 pieces

Kosher salt and freshly ground pepper

1/2 cup rice vinegar

2 medium tomatoes, seeded and cut into 1/2-inch dice

2 tablespoons chopped flat-leaf parsley







In a large, deep skillet, melt 2 tablespoons of the butter in the olive oil. Add the garlic. Season the chicken with salt and pepper and add to the skillet. Cook over moderately high heat until lightly browned all over, about 8 minutes. Add the vinegar and tomatoes and bring to a simmer. Cover and simmer over moderately low heat until the chicken is cooked through, about 15 minutes. Transfer the chicken to a platter and keep warm.

Boil the sauce over moderately high heat until slightly thickened, about 4 minutes. Remove from the heat.

Peel the garlic cloves and mash them into the sauce. Whisk in the remaining 2 tablespoons of butter and stir in the parsley; season with salt and pepper. Pour the sauce over the chicken and serve.


French Master chef Paul Bocuse’s recipe reflects his interest in lightening up the classics. For his poulet au vinaigre de vin, he’s swapped fresh tomatoes for tomato paste, used lower-acid rice vinegar in place of red wine vinegar and significantly reduced the amount of butter.


Master Chef Paul Bocuse Biography

Master Chef Paul Bocuse Biography image Master Chef Paul Bocuse Biography

Master Chef Paul Bocuse is known as the Father of Culinary Art in France. He had been a cooking legend for many decades. Bocuse was an ambassador of modern French cuisine and was placed among the ultimate chefs for being associated with Nouvelle Cuisine, which is not a lavish cuisine as compared to the traditional cuisine, since it gives importance to fresh high quality ingredients. He earned the title “The King Maker” as his students whom he taught for many years became top chef themselves. In 1961, he has received the title of Meilleur Oliver de France along with numerous awards which included the medal of Commandeur de la Legion d’honneur. He was being honoured the Leadership Award in 2011 by the Culinary Institute of America and also earned the “Chef of the Century” award.

Master Chef Paul Bocuse is famous for his high quality restaurants, and one of them which has been serving people for decades is his Luxury restaurant I’Auberge du Ponte de Collonges near Lyon. Paul dedicated his first book to Fernand Point whom he had been an apprentice.



For more articles and news related on Master Chef Paul Bocuse , keep visiting Good Healthy World Food & Recipes.



Master Chef Paul Bocuse

Tony's Favourite French Fries

Anthony Bourdain is an American chef and an executive chef of Brasserie Les Halles in New York City.


Anthony Bourdain famous Recipe


Tony’s Favourite French Fries


“Les Halles Cookbook” is famous for their fries. Executive Chef Carlos Llaguno shows us why. Carlos gives a full tutorial on how to make what Anthony Bourdain calls the “best french fries in the world.” or we can say that Tony’s favourite french fries.



4  potatoes, big, long ones

2 quarts  peanut oil to fill fryer

Table salt to taste



2 large bowls

Deep fryer or heavy bottomed pot


Baking sheet


Total Prep: Serves 4


Step 1  Prep

Preparation image Preparation


Fill a large bowl with ice water. Peel the potatoes and cut them into 1/2-inch thick sticks. Put them immediately into the bowl of ice water to keep them from oxidizing. Leave them in the water anywhere from 30 minutes to overnight, then rinse well in cold water to take out a large amount of the starch.





Step 2: Blanch

Blanch french fries image Blanch french fries


In a deep fryer or heavy-bottomed pot, heat the oil to 280°F and cook the potatoes in batches, about 6 to 8 minutes for each batch, until they are soft and their color has paled from opaque white to a semi translucent white. Do not get impatient and yank them out early. Remove them from the oil with the skimmer or wire basket and spread evenly on the baking sheet. Let them rest at least 15 minutes.





Step 3  Fry

frying image frying


Bring the oil up to 375°F, no hotter, no cooler. Fry the blanched potatoes in batches for 2 to 3 minutes, each, or until they are crispy and golden brown. Remove from the oil with the skimmer or wire basket, shake off the excess oil.






Step 4 Serve

Serve image Serve


Immediately drop the fries into the other large bowl, which has been lined with a clean, dry towel. Add salt to taste and whip out the towel. Toss the fries around in the bowl and serve while still hot and enjoy Tony’s Favourite French Fries.


Anthony Bourdain Chef Biography


Anthony Bourdain is an American chef and an executive chef of Brasserie Les Halles in New York City.He is also a writer of both fiction and non-fiction books. Anthony has his own style of celebrating food, and he loves experimenting with them. Like many other chefs, he did not become one in a snap of a finger. Initially, about 20 years ago, Anthony was a dishwasher then worked his way through preparation for something bigger, following line cook to sous chef before finally becoming a chef.

He has a tremendous passion for food and develops a contagious liking for all kinds of food. He was a veteran of many professional kitchens. Anthony has written many articles and essays which have been sold in various places in the United States and all over which took him to the ladder of fame. He is well-known for his book “Kitchen Confidential: Adventures in the Culinary Underbelly” in the year 2000. He also wrote articles like “Don’t eat before reading this” where he wrote about the dark side of the culinary world. He hosted a cookery show called “Anthony Bourdain: No Reservation” which was a grand hit in the industry. His blog “Top Chef Season 3” was nominated for a Webby Award for the best blog in 2008.


For more articles and news  related on  Anthony Bourdain famous Recipes , keep visiting Good Healthy World Food & Recipes.

Tony's Favourite French Fries

Saturday, 19 April 2014

Foods That Make You Feel Good

Foods that make you feel good & heal your body

Everyone knows that it is no mystery that you can now choose the foods that make you feel good. By choosing the right foods, you can now make yourself feel good and healthy. Once upon a time, food as medicine wasn’t such a strange idea Hippo-crates himself vouched for it. And while you may not expect your meals to hold as much importance in an era when doctors can do face transplants, food is still vital for mental and physical well being. “Our bodies have a remarkable capacity to heal, and what we eat can help with that,The Doctors and a practising board certified emergency medicine physician. The thought that diet enhances mod and wellness may be age-old, but the scientific proof is brand-new. So turn your grocery list into an Rx for what ails you, using this latest research as your guide and you know about foods that make you feel Good.

Tart cherries

Soothe joint and muscle pain:

Athletes swear by the anti-inflammatory powers of tangy “sour-pie” cherry juice to reduce after-workout soreness. In a study from Oregon Health & Science University, runners who drank 12 ounces of the tart stuff twice daily for a week before a race plus on the day of the event reported less post-run pain than those who had a cherry flavoured drink.

Nuts and seeds

Clear allergy fog:


Got itchy eyes and sneezing fits?

Make like a squirrel and stock up on nuts and seeds. Almonds, Peanuts and Sunflower seeds and even some vegetables are chock full of vitamin E, which studies suggest may help reduce the allergic response these foods have that make you feel Good,  A German study found that people with diets high in vitamin E had a lower risk of hay fever than those who weren’t getting as much of it. The RDA for adults is 15mg, the amount in about 2 ounces of sunflower seeds perfect for powering up a salad.


 Berries, apples, onions

Clear allergy fog:


Consider these foods a garden-variety allergy pill. It’s thanks to a compound called quercetin, which has shown promise in test-tube studies done at Tufts University for preventing immune cells from releasing the histamines that cause those familiar symptoms.


Parsley tea

Fight a UTI:


Lab research suggests why you should eat the parsley sprig garnish on your plate : It’s been shown to be an antibacterial force against the germs that cause urinary tract infections , even some of those that have demonstrated resistance to antibiotics. Next time you feel the dreaded twinge of a UTI, try this:

Boil some water, steep a bunch of parsley in it for 10 minutes and then drink up, recommends Param Dedhia, MD, internal-medicine physician at Canyon Ranch Resort and Spa, in Tucson, Ariz. Repeat throughout the day.


Cranberry juice

Fight a UTI:


It’s not merely a sweet mixer for boozy beverages. Studies show that the go to preventive remedy for UTIs isn’t just the stuff of folklore. Past research has focused on compounds in cranberries  and blueberries called proanthocyanidins, which were found to keep bacteria from attaching to bladder cells and causing infection. Now new research from McGill University demonstrates yet another way that the humble cranberry may be a woman’s best friend.

In lab studies, cranberry prevented the bacteria from producing a specific protein called flagellin, which is necessary for growing the tails that enable them to swim up the urinary tract and attach to cells, explains lead study author Nathalie Tufenkji, PhD. Look for products with cranberry juice listed in the first three ingredients.


Whole grains and fiber

 Curb heartburn:


This is the season for overindulging &  heartburn. But adding in more veggies and replacing refined grains like white rice and pasta with their whole-wheat counterparts might help you survive the holidays reflux free. The secret of foods that make you feel Good?

The high insfluble-fiber content gets things moving, explains Ronald Primas, MD, clinical instructor of medicine at Mount Sinai Hospital, in New York City: “The more fiber you eat, the less time food spends in the stomach, which helps keep food and acid from coming back up.”

Tuna, halibut, turkey

Survive cold season:


Don’t subsist only on salads during the winter months. Getting an insufficient amount of selenium can mean that you’re missing out on a key player in immune function. Selenium helps build up white blood cells particularly those responsible for killing bacteria and viruses, even the flu. Animal studies have shown that selenium deficiency not only leads to more severe flu symptoms but also enables mild flu viruses to mutate into more virulent strains. Just one serving of halibut or sardines gives you more than 60 percent of your RDA and provides you with mood boosting omega 3 fatty acids.


Fermented foods

Survive cold season:


What do yogurt, kimchi (Korean cabbage), kefir (a fermented milk drink), miso and tempeh (made from fermented soybeans) have in common? They all contain beneficial bacteria, aka probiotics, which can help keep your immune system strong, explains Siona Sammartino, a nutritionist and natural foods chef in Seattle, WA. A Swedish study found that having a daily probiotic drink cut workplace sick days by 55 percent. And a Cochrane meta-analysis of 10 studies found that probiotics worked better than placebos for reducing upper respiratory infections. Not into yogurt? Say cheese: Many aged raw-milk cheeses (such as Edam, Gouda or feta) are good sources of probiotics, notes Sammartino.


Kale, spinach, yams, pumpkin, carrots

Survive cold season:


Foods that make you feel Good vitamin A is the VIP here, keeping mucous membranes moist and healthy so germs can’t get past them, says David Katz, MD, founder of the Yale University Prevention Research Center and author of Disease-Proof: The Remarkable Truth About What Makes Us Well.


Fatty fish

Soothe joint and muscle pain:


It’s like oil in the Tin Man’s joints: The omega-3 fatty acids in fish such as salmon and sardines can help get stiff knees working again. A recent meta analysis of research found that taking omega threes daily reduced joint pain and a.m. stiffness enough to allow patients with rheumatoid arthritis to reduce NSAID use.


For more articles and news  related on foods that make you feel good  , keep visiting  Good Healthy World Food & Recipes.


Foods That Make You Feel Good

Friday, 11 April 2014

4 ways to keep your body strong

4 ways to keep your body strong as you age


A stronger body means a longer life; treat your muscles well and they’ll treat you well in return.Here’s why—and how


Though it’s difficult to imagine ourselves in old age, the attention we devote to building and maintaining four crucial muscle areas today will make a significant difference  30 or 40 years down the road when it comes to carrying out even basic actions such as walking and bending.

In fact, our skeletal muscles the fibres anchored to our bones and tendons that enable both motion and force are integral to how we function. If we do not take care of these muscles, which start to deteriorate as young as age 25, we’re at risk of injury, as well as a range of problems from incontin­ence to weak bones to increased risk for falls which often reduces lifespan in those over age 65.


What happens when we lose muscle?

Women are at several disadvantages when it comes to optimal muscle health. With age, our muscles deteri­orate at a faster rate than men’s, explains Michael Bemben, an exercise physiologist and professor in the department of health and exercise science at the University of Oklahoma. The neurons that control muscles in both genders are programmed to die off with age. “Men typically have more muscle to begin with so they can afford to lose some, whereas women can not.

It’s also more difficult for women to replace lost muscle than it is for men. A study in the journal PLoS One last year found older women have less effective muscle protein synthesis the process that breaks down food to build muscle than men. So the researchers advise us to eat enough protein.

We also need power, endurance and strength. Aged women saw only a 10 percent increase in muscle power versus a 50 percent rise for younger women doing comparable exercises, according to a recent study in Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise. Power is more closely related to the ability to perform daily activities and reduce the risk of falls than muscle strength alone, states Dain LaRoche, the study’s co-author and assistant professor of exercise science in the department of kinesiology at the University of New Hampshire.

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8 yoga moves to boost your energy
How to set your winter fitness goals

The good news? With exercise, older women can build up muscle strength. But to achieve “net muscle gain,” we need to work on improving our muscle health now, says Jennifer Jakobi, an assistant professor in the school of human kinetics at the University of British Columbia. “It’s like retirement savings: The more you invest in your muscles, the larger the base you have to function longer.”

Here are the four key target zones you should exercise now.


 body strong keep your body strong

Target zone: Upper body


Why it’s important

As women age, we lose the most muscle in our lower limbs, including thighs, hamstrings and calves, but we typically notice functional problems in our upper bodies first. “We walk around all day carrying our body weight, which works out our legs,” explains Rick Kaselj, a kinesiologist and personal trainer in Surrey, B.C. “But as we get older, we don’t push or lift things as much.” Strong trapezius, deltoid, biceps and triceps muscles could someday make a difference doing basic tasks such as carrying groceries or your grandkids. And the weaker they are, the more prone you are to neck strain, says Kaselj. “Our arm, shoulder and neck muscles are all interconnected.”


Exercises that work

To maintain upper body strength, the push-up is the best all-round upper body exercise. Kaselj recommends both wall push-ups (the farther away your feet are from the wall, the tougher the push-up) and floor push-ups (on your knees is fine, though toes are better). Do 10 on the wall and 10 on the floor daily.

Target zone: Core


Why it’s important

We usually think of the core muscles as only the rectus abdominis (the muscle that makes up a “six-pack”). But there are deeper muscle layers, including the internal and external oblique, transversus abdominis and multifidus muscles, that need to be strong to avoid placing extra strain on our much-imposed-upon lower back. A little prevention goes a long way for back pain, which makes even the most basic tasks, like sitting or bending over, excruciating. To target all the core muscles, activate them during a workout. “Tense them as though you

are bracing to be punched in the stomach,” explains Sherry Swanburg, a certified exercise physiologist in Kentville, N.S.


Exercises that work

Swanburg recommends the forearm plank, which strengthens and builds endurance in key core muscles. Lie face down on the floor (on a carpet or yoga mat), resting on your forearms with your elbows tucked into your sides. Raise your body on your forearms and toes, and hold it in a straight line for 10 to 30 seconds, being careful not to let your knees or hips sink, or to raise or lower your head out of line with your back (look down at the floor). Gradually build up the duration until you can hold for the full 30 seconds. Do four daily.


Target zone: Pelvis


Why it’s important

Pelvic floor muscles, the sling of muscles that connect the pubic bone and tailbone, are responsible for maintaining sexual, bladder and bowel function, supporting organs and facilitating the actions of the spine and legs. Women are susceptible to weakness in this area, particularly after childbirth. “We tend not to concentrate on these muscles,” says Amy Stein, a New York physical therapist who specializes in pelvic pain and is the author of Heal Pelvic Pain. “But any dysfunction in the pelvic floor could cause dysfunction in the bowel or bladder, such as incontinence, and painful sex.”


Exercises that work

Dr. Sheila Dugan, an assistant professor of physical medicine and rehabilitation at the Rush University Medical Center in Chicago, recommends two exercises for pelvic muscles, including the coccygeus and levator ani: Lie on your back with bent knees, feet on the floor, and then smoothly draw in lower belly muscles as though you are wearing a girdle or corset. Hold for a count of five, then slowly release. Do 10 of these twice daily.

For a second exercise, lie on your back, and lift the internal pelvic muscles in and up (your hips don’t actually come off the floor) for a count of five, then slowly lower for a count of five. Repeat as often as possible during the day.


Target zone: Knees


Why it’s important

While a knee contains tendon, not muscle, the strength of your leg and hip muscles—even the gluteus maximus and, in particular, the hamstrings—plays a key role in stability, and in preventing knee strain and injury. Women’s knees are more susceptible to injury than men’s because our wider hips create a stressful hip-to-knee V-angle, and our propensity for wearing high heels shifts our weight forward onto our knees. Knee pain can be disabling, making it painful even to walk across the living room. But don’t bother hitting the elliptical machine to target hamstrings and glutes, advises kinesiologist Kaselj. “It doesn’t work them out at all.”


Exercises that work

Target your hamstring muscles with a simple leg curl: Lie on your stomach. Slowly bring your right heel toward to your bum, then slowly return it to the floor. Repeat the move using left leg. Do 10 with each leg per day.

Also, work your glutes with a leg lift: Lie on your stomach, and lift one leg straight out behind you so your thigh is off the floor. Return to floor. Do 10 with each leg per day.


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4 ways to keep your body strong